The Punjab State Government, on Thursday, issued a notification enhancing the threshold limit for E-Way Bill for intra-state movement to one lakh rupees from the current 50,000 rupees. Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and West Bengal are among other states to raise such limit.
The state government also notified that no e-way bill shall be required for transporting fabric meant for job work. However, the movement should be within the state and the distance is capped at 50 km. The move will ensure hassle-free movement of fabric for job work within the state.
However, Punjab Pradesh Beopar Mandal president Piara Lal Seth said, “The government has given exemption to fabric only for job work, this will benefit only big houses and not the MSME sector. Concerned over the notification, we have requested the Finance Minister to include all textile articles such as shawls, knitwear, readymade and blankets meant for job work for exemption.”
Under GST rules, ferrying goods worth more than Rs 50,000 within or outside a state will require securing an electronic-way or e-way bill through prior online registration of the consignment.