The Delhi Police has arrested a 42-year-old man who has cheated a Ludhiana-based jeweller of 10kg gold plates valued at approximately Rs 6 crore by impersonating the Inspector of the central Goods and Service Tax Department.
Sushil Kumar alias Toppi, the accused is a resident of Ludhiana, used to go to the GST office routinely and had gained some knowledge of the working of GST officers. An FIR was registered on the complaint of Ravinder Kumar, wherein he stated that he purchases gold from Delhi as routine for making gold jewellery and sells it in the local market.
On July 10, the complainant sent his driver Balraj and worker Rajan Bawa to take the delivery of gold from Delhi with GST bills. They took the delivery of gold and left for Ludhiana (Punjab) when they reached Haryana Maitri Bhawan, Near West Enclave, two unknown persons came out from an i20 Hyundai car and introduced themselves as Inspector from the Central GST department.
The impersonators claimed that they had information about having unauthorised gold in the car and asked for the bills of the said 10 gold plates (one kg each) and took the gold while asking the driver to come to their office of CGST.
Later when the complainant visited the concerned office of Central GST and tried to know the details as well as facts about those GST Inspectors, he understood the impersonation of GST Inspectors.
On interrogation of the accused, it was revealed that he knew the complainant’s worker Rajan for two years. And he planned a conspiracy with Rajan and some other persons to cheat the jeweller by impersonating CGST officers.
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