In Srinagar, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence has confiscated the skins of 4 leopards (Panthera Pardus) under the provision of section 50(1)(c) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 as amended. It was prompted by the Directorate’s intelligence operation, which unfolded after a period of gathering specific information.
The information disclosed the involvement of specific groups in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), in illicit wildlife trafficking. These groups were actively looking for potential buyers interested in purchasing leopard skins. In response, a thorough plan was formulated to apprehend the individuals associated with these groups.
The plan was made in such a way that the officials from the Mumbai Zonal Unit (Goa Regional Unit) travelled to Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) as potential buyers of leopard skin undercover.
Following numerous rounds of discussions, the sellers transported the initial leopard skin to a predetermined location in Srinagar, situated near Dalgate. During the surveillance operations, officials intercepted an individual who was in possession of a leopard skin near the designated spot. Using the information obtained from him, another associate was apprehended at a public area in Srinagar. Having successfully apprehended the initial suspects, the series of intense negotiations persisted with another group of sellers.
Following negotiations that extended overnight, the sellers eventually consented to deliver three leopard skins to a predetermined location. Subsequently, three individuals carrying the illicit items (three leopard skins) were intercepted. The information obtained from them guided the law enforcement team to identify an additional three individuals associated with the transaction, who were located nearby in a public area. Responding swiftly, two teams of officers were dispatched to the scene, where they successfully intercepted the three individuals.
In total, eight individuals, including an active police constable, engaged in the unlawful wildlife trade, were intercepted. This operation resulted in the recovery of four leopard skins (Panthera pardus). The preliminary investigations suggested that the leopards were poached from Ladakh, Doda, and Uri.
The confiscated illegal items and the group of eight individuals responsible for violating the Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972 were transferred to the authorities of the Department of WildLife Protection in Jammu and Kashmir. This action occurred subsequent to the preliminary seizure procedures conducted under the Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972.
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