The Authority of Advance Ruling ( AAR ), Kerala has ruled that, The supply of medicines, consumables and implants used in the course of providing health care services to in-patients for diagnosis or treatment are naturally bundled and are provided in conjunction with each other, would be considered as “Composite Supply” and eligible for exemption under the category ‘health care services’.
The applicant KIMS Health Care Management Ltd is a multi – specialty tertiary care hospital providing health care services. They have categorized the patients as Out-Patients and In-Patients for the administrative convenience. The out-patients are those who visit the hospital for routine check-ups or clinical visits. The in-patients are those who are admitted in to the hospital for the required treatment. The in- patients are provided with stay facilities, medicines, consumables, implants, dietary food and other surgeries/ procedures required for the treatment.
While allowing the application the AAR observed that, “Pharmacy is an outlet to dispense medicines or allied items based on prescription. The in-patient pharmacy and operation theater pharmacy supplied medicines and consumables only to in-patients. Whereas an outpatient is concerned, hospital gives only prescription, which is an advisory in nature. The patient has absolute freedom to follow the prescription or not. Similarly there is freedom to procure the medicines or allied items prescribed, either from the pharmacy run by the hospital or from any other medicine dispensing outlets. Hospital reserves no control over his continuous treatment. As far as an outpatient is concerned there is no difference for procuring medicine either from the dispensing outlet within the hospital or from outside the hospital. In both places medicines dispensed based on prescription. Hence there is no privilege for the hospitals that are dispensing medicine to outpatients. Therefore pharmacy run by hospital dispensing medicine to outpatient or bye standers or others can be treated as individual supply of medicine and not covered under the ambit of health care services. Hence such supply of medicine and allied goods are taxable”.
The AAR also said that, “Government of India vice Circular No.27/01/2018-GST Dt.04-01-2018 has clarified that room rent in hospital is exempted. As for as inpatients are concerned, room facility in a hospital is one limb of bundled service of health care. The clarifications issued based on the approval of 25th GST Council Meeting held on 18-01-2018 fF.No.354/17/2018-TRU Dt.12-02-2018, it was clarified that food supplied to the inpatients as advised by the doctor/nutritionist is a part of composite supply of health care and not separately taxable”.
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