The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) notified the standard operating procedure (SOP) on preventive measures for conducting CS Examinations scheduled to be held from 21st December to 30th December, 2020.
In view of the prevalent situation of Corona Virus, the ICSI has taken all possible measures for conducting CS Examinations scheduled to be held from 21st December to 30th December, 2020 in the most safe and secured manner.
The SOP on preventive measures shall be followed to contain spread of COVID-19 during conduct of CS examinations.
The Institute notifies various measures to be taken by and shall be observed by all (staff, students and parents) at the Examination Centres.
Firstly, physical distancing of at least 6 feet shall be followed as far as feasible. Seating of candidates in each examination room has been reduced to 12 candidates from the standard practice of seating 25 candidates earlier so that adequate social distancing can be maintained.
Secondly, use of face covers/masks was made mandatory for all. It should be properly worn covering the mouth and nose throughout the time spent at Examination Centre.
Thirdly, practice of frequent hand washing with soap and/or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) has been made mandatory for all at examination centres.
Fourthly, respiratory etiquette shall strictly be followed at all examination centres. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing of used tissues properly.
Fifthly, self-monitoring of health shall be compulsory for all candidates and reporting of the same by submitting a ‘Self Declaration’ about their health status to the Superintendent of Examinations.
Sixthly, spitting shall be strictly prohibited.
The Institute has provided for additional staff strength, additional accommodation, sanitization, hygiene, and maintenance of social distancing for containment of COVID-19 during the conduct of CS examinations, December 2020 at examination centers.
The Institute decided to open the examination centres in Metro/ Megacities in such a manner that the examination centres should cover the different and maximum parts/areas of the cities and the distance for the candidate should be possibly the minimum. The Institute also decided to further divide Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Kolkata and Thane into zones and to increase the number of zones where zone(s) already exist in order to reduce the travelling time of examinees and overcrowding at the examination centres.
The ICSI has announced that in order to become eligible for the “Opt-Out” option, such students shall be essential to submit a COVID-19 Positive report evidencing that they themselves or their immediate relatives were infected by COVID-19 during the period from 20 November 2020 to 30th December, 2020.
For more details Click here.