A PIL has been filed before the Bombay High Court against the Government’s decision to waive off entertainment duty on the upcoming coldplay concert by the British rock band which is scheduled to be held on November 19 at the MMRDA grounds in suburban Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC).
Earlier, the Government had granted exemptions from entertainment duty and MMRDA had decided to grant 75 per cent concession on rentals. According to the petitioner, Anjali Damania, this would amount to a loss of almost six crores to the Government.
Petitioner’s lawyer Uday Warunjikar said that the concert is a commercial activity and hence, such waivers cannot be granted. Further, granting such waivers was beyond the scope of the Bombay Entertainment Duty Act, He said.
The Petition will be heard by the division bench headed by Chief Justice Manjula Chellur.