The West Bengal government’s 3.39 lakh crore (2023–24) budget was announced by the Finance Minister Chandrima Bhattacharya, with a stronger emphasis on artificial intelligence and young entrepreneurs. Last year’s budget (2022-23) was ₹3,21,030 crore, where the government exempted the Registration fee and Road tax on all categories of CNG vehicles for the next 2 years from 2022-23 and 2023-24.
The key highlights are:
Education had a budget of 37,075.05 crore, which is the largest amount. The least amount, 72.03 crores, goes to Public Enterprises & Industrial Reconstruction. The government has given every department the attention it can muster. MSMEs and textiles would each receive 1,218.21 crore from the budget. Unfortunately, just 75.31 crores were allotted for science and technology and biotechnology.
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