The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) has enabled the application for the Verification of Answer Books.
The process of verification of marks covers the following: 1. Whether the answer book(s) compilation is complete. 2. Whether any question or part thereof has remained unvalued. 3. Whether there is any totaling error in any question or total marks on the cover page. 4. Whether there is any discrepancy between the marks for each question and or/part thereof and marks for each question indicated on the cover page of the answer book. 5. Whether the handwriting of the candidate in all the answer books is the same.
The last date for Apply For Verification of answer books for Intermediate(IPC), Intermediate(IPC)-Units, Intermediate & Intermediate-Units December 2021 is March 25th, 2022. The Last date for Apply For Inspection or Certified Copies of answer books – Intermediate(IPC), Intermediate(IPC)-Units, Intermediate & Intermediate-Units December 2021 is March 27th, 2022.
The deadline for application for Inspection or Certified Copies of answer books – Final Old, Final New and Foundation and Apply For Verification of answer books – Final Old, Final New and Foundation December 2021 is March 11th and 9th respectively.
A candidate can apply for verification, either physically in his own handwriting, or online from within a month from the date of declaration of results, giving specific details of the following along with the requisite fees:
If the candidate makes a physical application, it must be in the handwriting of the candidate. If the candidate had opted for Hindi medium in the examination, his/her application should be in Hindi. Typewritten applications will not be entertained.
There is no standard format as such for such applications. However, the application should be duly signed by the candidate.
Where should the physical application be sent:
The physical application for verification along with the fees should be sent so as to reach us within a period of one month from the date of the declaration of results, at the following address, by Speed Post or Registered Post:
The Deputy Secretary (Exams)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110 002
Do not send your application by courier/ordinary post. Please superscribe the envelope with the name of the exam, i.e Final or Intermediate (IPC) as the case may be.
What is the fees for the verification of marks?
• For Final, Intermediate (IPC)/ATE/Units-Rs 100/- per paper subject to a maximum of Rs 400/- for all the papers of a group/both groups/Units.
• For CPT: Rs 200/-.
• For Post qualification courses ISA, DIRM, ITL & WTO, MAC/TMC/CMC: Rs 500/-
What is the mode of payment of the verification fees?
In case you are submitting a handwritten application form for verification, it has to be accompanied by a demand towards the verification fees. The demand draft should be drawn in favor of “The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” payable at New Delhi and sent along with the application for verification.
In case you are submitting an online application for verification, you can pay the verification fee online by using either a debit/credit card, through the payment gateway.
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