The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) has reopened the Empanelment of Chartered Accountants to act as Observers for the CA Examinations November 2020.
In continuation to the Announcement dated 20th August 2020 the window for empanelment of members to act as observers at the examination centres for the Chartered Accountants examinations, November, 2020 is reopened from 20th October to 25th October, 2020.
The members who had already applied for observership duties through online portal vide announcement dated 20th August, 2020 & 16th September, 2020 need not apply again.
In other words the members desirous may visit the Observer Portal ie. and make online application to act as observership for November, 2020 Examinations upto 25th October, 2020.
However, it is clarified that eligibility particulars / details as announced vide Important Announcement dated 20th August, 2020 hosted on shall remain unchanged.