The Special Judge, CBI bribery Cases, Chandigarh has sentenced Shri Rakesh Jain, then Income Tax Officer, Ward No. 3(2), Chandigarh to undergo four years Rigorous Imprisonment with fine of Rs. 5 lakh in a bribery case.
CBI had registered a case against the accused on the allegations that Shri Rakesh Jain, the then Income Tax Officer, Ward No. 3(2), Chandigarh had demanded illegal gratification of Rs. 3.5 lakh from the complainant (who was running a business of Real Estate and Liquor) for not initiating any action against him on notices served U/s 142(2) of IT Act, 1961 by Income Tax Department. Later, the bribe amount was reduced to Rs. 2.5 lakh. The accused was arrested while accepting a bribe of Rs. 50,000/- as of 1st installment of the total bribe amount.
After investigation, charge-sheet was filed in the Court of Special Judge, CBI bribery Cases, Chandigarh against accused U/s 7, 13(1)(d) r/w 13(2) of PC Act,1988 and his mother U/s 109 r/w Sec.7, 13(1)(d) r/w 13(2) of PC Act,1988 on 12.08.2013. His mother expired during the trial.
The Trial Court found the accused guilty and convicted him.