In connection with a Rs. 1 crore bribe demand made by officials of the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI), Pune, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted searches at three sites in Pune and Mumbai on 23rd February 2023(Thursday).
A total of 4 lakh gold ornaments were discovered during the search at the former Directorate General of GST Intelligence’s offices (DGGI). On January 11, a case was filed against the former DGGI officer, the Senior Intelligence Officer at the time, and other unnamed individuals. According to the CBI, the searches produced digital devices and papers that might be used as evidence.
It was claimed that the aforementioned public officials asked the complainant for a bribe of Rs 1,000,000 to end the lawsuit that had been brought by DGGI, Pune against the complainant’s company.
Not only the DGGI, there were many bribery issues of government officials of different departments that have been addressed by the public. Recently reported bribe case was of the Customs officers at Mumbai Airport.
It was reported that the customs officers stationed at the International terminal of the Mumbai airport approached unwary Travellers, threatened to book them in smuggling cases for possessing gold and electronic items that were permitted within the set limits, and demanded bribes to āsettleā the cases.
Also, on Wednesday (22-03-2023), the Chhattisgarh Enforcement Department executed raids in various government offices like GST bhavan, labour office..etc regarding the coal levy scandal.
It has been noticed that government employees are straying from the path of service and growing opportunistic in their pursuit of wealth. Furthermore, they are taking advantage of their white-collar occupations for their own financial gain. In such situations, the government should exercise great caution and must punish those rotten apples harshly.
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