A group of Chartered Accountants have contributed Rs.75 lakh to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund through Dr Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space.
The cheque on behalf of the Chartered Accountants was formally handed over to Dr Jitendra Singh here today.
In a letter accompanying the cheque, they welcomed the efforts of the Central government for introducing uniform taxation system by way of GST, robust foreign policy and different social welfare schemes including “Ayushman Bharat” and “Swachh Bharat”. They also lauded the government’s efforts towards ease of doing business.
The Chartered Accountants expressed confidence that in the next five years, India will become a 5 Trillion US Dollar economy and in the next 8 years, a 10 Trillion US Dollar Economy.