On Wednesday, the Air Intelligence Unit of Customs successfully intercepted an attempt to smuggle gold valued at Rs 18.79 lakhs at Cochin International Airport. The discovery, amounting to 352.40 grams, was made when officials inspected toys belonging to a passenger named Moideen. Customs officials revealed that the concealed gold was ingeniously hidden within the toy items carried by Moideen.
The vigilant customs officers thwarted the smuggling endeavour after detecting something suspicious during the examination of Moideen’s checked-in baggage. Items such as a toy car, toy piano, power adaptor, car mount, and extension chord raised concerns during the inspection. Upon closer examination of these seemingly innocuous items, officials uncovered coiled forms of gold concealed with advanced engineering techniques, reported Manorama.
This incident serves as a testament to the proficiency of Customs authorities in identifying and preventing illicit activities within airport premises. It highlights the critical need for stringent security measures to combat smuggling, underscoring the ongoing efforts to maintain the integrity of airport security and safeguard against various forms of illicit trade.
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