The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) has issued an advisory on Accounting and Assurance related issues for Financial Year 2019-20.
COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by a novel Coronavirus is exponentially spreading illness throughout the globe and has been recognized as a global pandemic by the WHO. The various governments are taking drastic measures, including locking down of the entire country to reduce the impact of this catastrophe.
The adverse impact of this global pandemic can vary from nation to nation, industry to industry and above all entity to entity. The effect depends upon the nature and extent of the business connectivity of the individual entities with the nations more seriously affected by this pandemic. Apart from the health and safety of mankind, COVID-19 has unfavorably affected the economic environment which in turn has a consequential impact on the results in the financial statements and reporting.
There is also a need to advise the preparers of financial statements to ensure that the potential impact of COVID-19 is suitably considered in preparing and reporting their financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020. Considering all the above factors, in order to guide the preparers and auditors, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Regulator of Chartered Accountancy profession in India, has developed an Advisory on “Impact of Coronavirus on Financial Reporting and the Auditors Consideration” highlighting few important areas which require particular attention in respect of financial statements for the year 2019-20. ICAI Advisory is consistent with those provided in other jurisdictions.
CA. Atul Kumar Gupta, President, ICAI said “Chartered Accountants are always committed as professionals to ensure that financial reporting continues to be of high quality and reliable based on applicable accounting framework and, audit opinions are based on performing the best audit procedures laid down in standards on the audit.”
Specific requirements of a few Accounting Standards that may need special attention are indicated in this Accounting Advisory. The said Advisor only draws the attention of preparers to some of the important requirements of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and Accounting Standards (AS), and this is not meant to be exhaustive and may differ based on specific facts, circumstances and business of respective preparers.
The advisory has been prepared for:
Accounting advisory guides on the key areas that need to be considered during these challenging times as given below. May refer to Annexure A for further details.
Salient Points w.r.t. Auditing Advisory are:
Further, Auditors are also advised by the ICAI to carefully evaluate circumstances prevailing in their audits and assess risk accordingly when applying the concepts given in the Advisory in their audits. Following are a salient feature of Auditing Advisory:
President, ICAI further added “I am sure the advisory will meet the objective of its release and help both preparers and auditors in their respective areas. In these challenging times, this advisory will surely help Chartered Accountants in discharging professional responsibilities more effectively.”