The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on Thursday announced the extension of the last date for Submission of Application Form without Condonation Fee till October 31, 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic.
In the wake of Coronavirus, the Institute observed that some of the students are still facing difficulties in the filing of Form 102/103 for registration of articleship due to the non-availability of Judicial stamp paper for the execution of articleship deeds.
Further, the students are also filling Form 112 seeking permission to pursue another course is also a matter of concern due to the closure of academic institutions. It is causing a delay in online submission of application forms inviting levy of Condonation fee under the relevant regulatory provisions.
Therefore, the Institute decided to extend the period of relaxation in continuity from 30th June to 31st October 2020 and to waive off condonation fee if application forms are filed till 31st October 2020.
“This period includes a one-month prescribed time limit given in general,” the announcement said.