The Institute of Companies Secretary of India (ICSI) announced that the CS Students may now avail Opt-Out facility from December 2020 to June 2021 Exam Session without mentioning any reason.
The Council of Institute at its 272nd meeting held on 19th December, 2020, has decided that the “Opt Out” facility has been extended to all students enrolled for the June, 2020 (merged with December, 2020) and December, 2020 session of examinations.
The ICSI has announced that the Students may avail “Opt Out” facility, if they so desire, without mentioning any specific reason.
A one-time option shall be given to the students to “opt out” from the December, 2020 sessions of examinations by carrying forward the credit of examination fee to June, 2021 examinations.
The last date for submitting a request to avail the “Opt Out” facility without citing any specific reason is 31st December, 2020.
“Notwithstanding the last date of 31st December, 2020 as mentioned above, if any student is availing “Opt Out” facility by submitting “Covid-19 Positive” certificate as per the earlier announcement dated 04.12.2020, the last date for submitting the request shall remain the same i.e. 15th January, 2021,” the ICSI said.
The Institute clarified that if any student submits a request for availing “Opt-out” facility after appearing in all papers of the Module(s) for which he/she is scheduled to appear during the December, 2020 session of examinations, such requests will be summarily rejected without notice. The Institute announced that on receipt of the Opt-Out request online form, student’s enrollment for December, 2020 session shall be treated as canceled and his/her candidature will be carried forward to June, 2021 session of examinations. Once the request is submitted, it will be treated as final and requests for its change/revocation will not be entertained under any circumstances.
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