Digital Accounting and Assurance Board (DAAB) of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has been constituted for deliberating and initiating solutions for issues in accounting (including valuation) and assurance (including internal audit) in the digital world.
the Board conducts an online survey with an objective to engage with members, ascertain their views on the potential impact on Accounting and Assurance due to the emerging and converging technologies, such as AI, IoT, Machine learning, BlockChain, etc.
The members of ICAI can participate in an online survey by using the link here till November 20, 2017.
A statement appeared on the official website of ICAI said that “Members will get one hour of unstructured learning CPE hour for filling this complete survey questionnaire. Further, given that technology disruption will provide a pathway for future professional advancement, your active participation will facilitate ICAI/ DAAB to take future initiatives in upcoming areas. Your suggestions/ inputs are welcome at”