Govt Extends and Modifies Anti Dumping Duty on Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride from China PR and Korea RP [Read Notification]

The review concluded that there is a notable likelihood of continued or recurring dumping and injury if the current anti-dumping measures are allowed to expire.
China PR - Korea RP - Govt Extends - Ministry of Commerce and Industry - Anti Dumping Duty - Polyvinyl Chloride - Dumping Duty - taxscan

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has decided to extend and modify Anti Dumping Duty on Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride imported from China PR and Korea RP.

The initial investigation into the anti-dumping duties on CPVC imports from China and Korea was initiated by the Authority on March 28, 2019, through Notification No. 06/03/2019-DGTR. Preliminary findings were issued on July 12, 2019, recommending provisional anti-dumping duties for a period of six months. These duties were subsequently imposed by the Ministry of Finance on August 26, 2019, through Notification No. 33/2019-Customs.

The Authority conducted a comprehensive review, providing all interested parties, including domestic industry representatives, exporters, importers, and other stakeholders, with an opportunity to submit information regarding the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury.

The review concluded that there is a notable likelihood of continued or recurring dumping and injury if the current anti-dumping measures are allowed to expire. Consequently, the Authority recommended the continuation of the anti-dumping duties on CPVC imports from China and Korea.

Based on the review, the Authority recommended that the anti-dumping duties on CPVC imports from China and Korea should be extended for an additional five years to mitigate the risk of dumping and injury to the domestic industry.

The Authority proposed a fixed quantum of anti-dumping duty, rather than the existing variable measures. This recommendation is based on the findings that imports have been reported at prices close to the benchmark level, resulting in significant avoidance of anti-dumping duties and loss of revenue to the government.

Alos, the quantum of the recommended anti-dumping duty is based on the dumping margin and injury margin determined in the original investigation. This fixed duty structure aims to prevent future avoidance of duties and ensure fair competition in the market.

The recommended anti-dumping duties are to be imposed on all CPVC imports from China PR and Korea RP from the date of notification issued by the Central Government. The duties will be in effect for a further period of five years.

The Duty table is as follows:

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