GST Dept set to develop Registration System for Shared Warehouse for E-Commerce

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The GST Department under the Finance Ministry is all set to develop the registration system for shared warehouse for e-commerce.

Under Goods and Services Tax ( GST ) law, suppliers to an e-commerce platform can store their goods at a common warehouse. However, the suppliers in their GST registration are required to show the warehouse as an additional place of business.

“We are working to see whether a ‘shared workplace’ or ‘coworking space’ concept can be implemented for the warehouses maintained by e-commerce companies to store goods of multiple suppliers. It is currently in the phase of discussion. Whether a shared workplace concept can be implemented for e-commerce warehouses would be discussed at the law committee and then presented before the GST Councilā€ an official from the GST Department confirmed.

The official highlighted that when multiple taxpayers register at a single warehouse, the geo-tag reflects the same address for all. This sends a signal to the tax officer that numerous taxpayers are based at one location and this might be a possible fraudulent registration.

The other issue is that the warehouse where multiple suppliers store their goods should not be held accountable for the default of a single supplier. Additionally, there is a risk that tax officers might attribute such risks to the e-commerce operators themselves, potentially affecting their businesses, the official added.

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