The officials from the Anti-Corruption Bureau ( ACB ) in Srikakulam district arrested a GST officer in connection with an alleged bribery case. According to ACB Deputy Superintendent of Police ( DSP ) Ramanamurthy, the incident unfolded when a cashew trader sought Input Tax Credit ( ITC ) processing from the GST Officer.
It is reported that the GST officer insisted on a bribe amounting to ₹1.5 lakh to facilitate the processing of the requested input tax. Unwilling to do corruption, the cashew trader promptly reported the case to the Anti-Corruption Bureau. Acting on the complaint, the ACB advised the trader to offer ₹1 lakh to the GST officer as part of a sting operation.
ACB DSP Ramanamurthy, along with his team, strategically positioned themselves in the vicinity. As the trader handed over the bribe to the GST officer, the ACB officials moved swiftly and caught the GST officer red-handed in the act of accepting the illicit payment, reported Deccan Chronicle.
The operation not only highlights the vigilance and proactivity of the Anti-Corruption Bureau but also exposes a potential instance of corruption within the GST department. The incident reinforces the significance of anti-corruption measures and highlights the commitment of law enforcement agencies to combat corrupt practices. The arrested GST officer is expected to face legal consequences as the ACB continues its investigation into the alleged bribery scandal.
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