GST Practitioners Exam Result Announced

GST Practitioners Exam - GST Practitioners

The National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes and Narcotics (NACIN) has conducted examination for confirmation of enrollment of Goods and Services Tax ( GST ) Practitioners in terms of second proviso to sub-rule (3) of rule 83 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017.

The result of the examination has now been announced.

The examination was held on 17.12.2018 at twenty two centers across India. The GSTPs enrolled on the GST Network under sub-rule (2) of rule 83 and covered by clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 83, i.e. those meeting the eligibility criteria of having enrolled as sales tax practitioners or tax return preparer under the existing law for a period not less than five years, were invited to appear in this exam.

The result of the abovementioned exam, including marks obtained, has been made available individually to all GSTPs who had appeared in the examination through emails and also on the Exam Portal at Candidatesā€™ dashboard.

List of GSTPs who have passed the aforesaid examination held on 17.12.2018 is available in the CBIC and NACINā€™s official portal.
