GSTN issues Advisory on Tracking GST Refund Application Status on GST Portal and PFMS portal

Tracking GST Refund - GSTN - GST Portal - Taxscan

The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) has issued an advisory on Tracking GST Refund Application Status on GST Portal and PFMS Portal.

The functionality of tracking the status of the refund application has been available on the GST portal. By utilizing this functionality, the taxpayers can know the stage at which the refund application is pending with the tax-officer/ taxpayer.

A tax officer can issue payment orders only after the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) has validated the bank account mentioned in the refund application (RFD-01). Similarly, the final disbursement of the refund amount sanctioned by the tax officer happens only after (PFMS) has validated the bank account mentioned in the payment order (RFD-05). Thus, validation of the bank account takes place at two stages. However, the exact detailed status of bank account validation is not available on the GST Portal.

The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) of the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) has made available a central portal to track the status of bank account validation and disbursal of refund amount. By visiting the PFMS portal the taxpayer can track the status of bank account validation.

This advisory is being issued for the benefit of the taxpayers in order to make them aware of the ways in which they can track the status of their refund applications on both the Portals.

To download the detailed advisory, Click Here.
