The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced the second round of the Campus Placement Programme for the newly qualified Chartered Accountants.
“Second Round Campus Placement Programme is a platform specifically designed and aims to provide placement opportunities to the Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants (NQCAs) who could not get a job during our main Campus Placement Programme held in February-March, 2021 & April-May, 2021,” the Institute said in a statement.
“This programme is an extended dimension to the existing initiative i.e. Campus Placement Programmes, undertaken by CMI&B to provide employment opportunities to the Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants, organized twice a year. ELIGIBILITY OF CANDIDATES FOR SECOND ROUND OF CAMPUS NQCAs who could not get a job during our main Campus Placement Programme held in February-March, 2021& April-May, 2021,” it said.
As per the statement, the candidates not being selected during the main campus placement programme (February-March, 2021 & April-May, 2021), but wish to participate, to register online at
NQCAs who have already been selected in the bigger or smaller centres during our main Campus Placement Programme held in February-March, 2021 & April-May, 2021 and finally signed the declaration are not eligible to apply for the second round of the campus placement programme.
The Institute also prescribed the interview schedule for various centres in Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru and Mumbai.
A Candidate can select only Four (4) recruiting entities irrespective of the number of recruiting entities shortlisted. Once finally selected by any company and accepting the offer by signing the offer letter, the candidate cannot appear for any other interview in the second round of campus or accept a job from the recruiting organisation that have interviewed him/her earlier. The last dates for filling up online application forms for the candidates, shortlisting details, consent for appearing in the interviews of the various participating organizations will be as per the details given at The Candidates have to apply online at for the Programme under the head ‘Second Round of Campus’.
For more details Click here.
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