ICAI releases Draft Panel for Category of MEF application 2020-21

MEF application - ICAI - Taxscan

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) has released the Draft Panel for Category of MEF application 2020-21.

The MEF Applicants can visit at https://meficai.org/ to view the category and other information related to their MEF Application. It may be informed that the category displayed is subject to the verification of Common Partners and checking of Financial Documents by the Auditors. The observations, if any, will be communicated separately.

The ICAI said that, Any comments/ observations on the details and category can be shared by the MEF Applicants at https://app.meficai.org/complaints latest by 20th Jan. 2021, thereafter no submission for the MEF 2020-21 will be considered.
