The Karnataka High Court directed the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) to reopen the floodgates of Mantri Square Mall starting Friday morning, following an undertaking from the mall management to pay ₹20 crore by July 31. This decision comes despite the ongoing dispute over property tax arrears, with the BBMP demanding ₹42 crore for the year 2019.
The interim order, issued by Justice Jyoti Mulimani, responds to a petition filed by M/s Abhishek Propbuild Pvt. Ltd., the company managing the mall.
The court directed that ₹3.5 crore must be paid by June 1, with the remaining ₹16.5 crore due by July 31. This arrangement was accepted without prejudice to the mall management’s right to challenge the BBMP’s tax demand.
Mantri Square Mall has been closed since May 10 by the BBMP. The closure and subsequent financial strain have been attributed to ongoing property tax disputes and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw no tax relief provided by the government.
Read More: Default of Rs. 50 Cr Property Tax: BBMP seals Bengaluru Mantri Square Mall, suspends Trade License
The petitioners are contesting a May 15 civil court order that required them to pay 50% of the disputed tax amount within ten days before the mall could be reopened. They argue that their liability should only be ₹18.5 crore, contrary to the BBMP’s ₹42 crore claim. The petition also criticizes the BBMP for using coercive tactics instead of resolving the calculation disputes.
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