The Karnataka High Court has granted Anticipatory bail against arrest under GST for alleged bogus billing / Trading.
The Petitioners are husband and wife and they are the Directors of M/s. Steel Hypermart India Private Limited and M/s.Singhi Buildtech Private Limited. It is further alleged that the said Companies have been involved in circular bill trading in the State of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and on examination of the data available in Analytics Software of the respondent’s Department, it is noticed that the total upwards supplies/sales of M/s.Singhi Buildtech Private Limited for the financial year 2017-18 and 2018-19 is Rs.300,64,44,966/- and the above information reveals that Rs.195,78 Crores out of total inward supply/purchase of Rs.234.29 Crores in 2017-18 and 2018-19 is made only from registered taxable persons involved in circular trading.
It is further alleged that the total outward supply/purchase of M/s.Steel Hypermart India Private Limited for the financial year 2017-18 and 2018-19 is Rs.2,34,29,84,3870 and the said fact reveals that Rs.195.78 Crores out of the total supply of Rs.234.29 Crores during the year 2017-18 and 2018-19 is made only from the registered taxable persons involved in circular trading and thereby petitioners-accused have played fraud in circular bill trading.
While allowing the bail application, Justice B.A Patil observed that, “Though several contentions have been raised with reference to initiation of the action under the GST Act and CST Act, since the scope of these petitions is limited only to consider the bail applications, the other points which have been raised are not dealt with in detail to dispose of these petitions. This Court while considering the similar aspect in Criminal Petition No.497/2019 c/w. Criminal Petition No.498/2019, disposed of on 18.2.2019 has discussed elaborately all the points and thereafter it has come to the conclusion that the accused-petitioners therein are entitled to be released on bail”.
The Court also has given certain following conditions:-