The Enforcement Directorate (ED) attached the properties worth Rs. 8 Crore Properties of Varinder Pal Singh Dhoot, the then Naib Tehsildar, in a money laundering case involving revenue officials and others for misallocating shares of shamlat (panchayat) land of village Seonk, to the tune of more than 99 acres in the name of ineligible villagers and in some instances, even outsiders.
Based on FIR registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act, a charge sheet was filed by the Vigilance Bureau against the accused Varinder Pal Singh Dhoot and others confirming the allegations.
The investigation has revealed that revenue officials have falsely allotted shares of panchayat land of village seonk in the name of 6 villagers and power of attorney was obtained by the private property dealers from these villagers.
Based on power of attorney, the private property dealers in connivance with revenue officials sold panchayat land to non-eligible villagers and some outsiders and the sale consideration was shared by the private property dealers and revenue officials.
Unexplained credits to the tune of more than Rs 15 Crore were found including cash credits of around Rs 8 Crorewere found in the bank account of the accused and his family members. In light of the investigation, Varinder Pal Singh Dhoot was arrested by ED
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