Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das retired from his post on Wednesday. Mr. Shaktikanta had been associating with the Government of India for almost 37 years. He will be replaced by Tapan Ray, who will take the additional charges as the new Economic Affairs Secretary.
“It has been a very good experience, especially in the last three years. I was very fortunate to be a part of such key reforms and structural changes that have come about in the Ministry of Finance,” Shaktikanta Das reportedly told.
Das, who has been associated with several crucial reforms of the Ministry, through twitter stated that he will continue to express his opinion on important matters, now as a private individual.
Das, a Senior Civil Servant had served as the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Government of India; Special Commissioner and Commissioner of Revenue Administration, Government of Tamil Nadu; Secretary, Industries Department in Government of Tamil Nadu and various other distinguished services. He also served as Secretary of the Industries Department of Government of Tamil Nadu.